We launched the 2016 Open Spend campaign to increase on-premise and off-premise sales of Coopers’ iconic beer with a $200,000 prize cache.
Coopers | The Refinery
A Case Study
More than 150 years on from it’s humble beginnings, Coopers is the nation’s largest remaining Australian owned brewery.
The Refinery is regularly tasked with producing Coopers’ Through The Line material including trade presenters, digital media, brand narratives and creative direction for Australia wide campaigns and competitions.
At a glance
Distribution kits sent
Promotional items printed
Entry kits sent

We created 50+ campaign specific promotional items.
These included tap talkers, counter cards, coasters, shelf tags, posters and electrostatic stickers.
Each item featured a different giveaway allowing the campaign to be spread out over various stages, simultaneously across multiple states.
The offering included major prizes such as Maton guitars, surfboards and pintail longboards as well as various gifts with purchase including coolers, bags and stubby holders.
Various articles were produced for the Coopers distribution network for both on-premise and off-premise purchases.
The consumer’s Path to Purchase was considered with multiple Point Of Sale items and an integrated digital component.
We generated hype online with social media.
The campaign hashtag coincided with the existing brand story for maximum engagement across the Coopers digital communication network.

Working with Australia's oldest family owned and run brewery calls for a high level of respect for the brand’s history and future moving forward.
We continue to deliver brand direction, creative outcomes and digital media solutions for Coopers Brewery and its nationwide distribution network."
Nick Lauria
Associate Agency Director